How many come in each pack, if only two come on each sheet?

Our adorable package features 32 stars, and because there are 16 sheets, each sheet will have two stars. For additional info, please visit starface.world

Amanda Hercules
Updated by Amanda Hercules

What should this be used for?

Our XL star is a fantastic solution that is ideal for mending larger-than-average spots or blemishes. For additional information, please visit starface.world.

Amanda Hercules
Updated by Amanda Hercules

Is it safe for sensitive skin?

Yes! XL Stars have been dermatological tested and are suitable for sensitive skin. All of our goods are well-crafted and created using high-quality ingredients.

Amanda Hercules
Updated by Amanda Hercules

How long should I keep XL Star on for?

We recommend wearing the XL Stars for at least six hours. They are also most effective when worn overnight while your skin is recovering.

Amanda Hercules
Updated by Amanda Hercules

Will they fit in my Hydro-star (Big Yellow) Case?

The Big Yellow compact case is made specifically to store our most iconic product, the Hydro-Star. Learn more by clicking here or visiting starface.world.

Amanda Hercules
Updated by Amanda Hercules

What’s the difference between XL Star and Hydro-Stars?

The difference between the two is that the XL star is a larger version of our classic Hydro-Stars, at 20mm in width. For more info, read on this link.

Amanda Hercules
Updated by Amanda Hercules

Can I use XL Star on a cluster of pimples?

Yes, XL Star was created to provide recovery and a dash of charm to a slew of pimples. More information is available at starface.world or by clicking here.

Amanda Hercules
Updated by Amanda Hercules

The stars aren’t sticking, what should I do?

Like all of our hydro-stars, XL Star performs effectively on a clean face. It should be used on a cleansed, dry face before applying any other cosmetics.

Amanda Hercules
Updated by Amanda Hercules
