
Does Starface use Parabans?

We always have your best interests in mind, and you can be certain that we do not use harmful substances like parabens in our products.

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

Is it safe to use your products while pregnant or nursing?

Starface products are made with mild, dermatologically tested chemicals, however, if you are pregnant or nursing, we recommend that you check with your doctor.

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

What is the pH level of the Space Wash facial cleanser?

Space Wash's pH level standard is 8.0 +/- 0.5 (7.5 – 8.5 range), or around 7.5, which is balanced. Learn why by clicking here.

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

My Glow Stars aren't glowing. What's wrong?

Allow the Glow Stars to sit under a light for at least a minute before using them. The lighting from your device makes the Glow Stars gleam the brightest!

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

How can I find out more information about a product?

Each product has a thorough explanation on its product page. Don't hesitate to leave queries, we appreciate your interest and look forward to hearing from you.

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

What skin types can use Starface?

Our products were created with acne-prone skin in mind, but any skin type—even the most sensitive—can use them since our solutions are particularly mild.

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

Will my product melt/dry/freeze/expire/etc.?

While our goods really shouldn't do any of these things, we advise keeping them at room temperature to keep them in good condition. For more info, click here.

Updated by Horatio

Do you test on animals?

No, we certainly do not do so. We like animals, so you can rest assured that Starface is vegan, cruelty-free, and Leaping Bunny certified. 🐰🐱🐶

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

Can I put foundation or concealer on top of my Hydro-Star?

You certainly can. Though the Hydro-Stars function best on its own, applying cosmetics on top is not damaging to your skin. Learn more here.

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

How long can I wear my Hydro-Star?

It's not a bad idea to leave it to sit for a few hours longer than six, but we wouldn't wear the same star for more than ten. Learn more by clicking here.

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

When will I see results after using the Hydro-Stars?

The results may vary depending on the location, but you should notice a considerable reduction in inflammation after the Hydro-Star is removed.

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

Can I use the same Hydro-Star twice?

Hydro-Star extracts acne-causing microorganisms that you don't want to reapply to your face. For optimum results, we recommend using Hydro-Star once!

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

Is Starface safe for kids?

Starface is suitable for all ages! However, it doesn't hurt to check, so we recommend that you speak with your dermatologist and get an okay.

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

Where does Starface fit into my skincare routine?

You may use Hydro-Stars whenever you like, but they perform particularly well when left on overnight as that is the time when your skin is regenerating.

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

Can I sell the products on my own website?

It is frowned upon, and we respectfully request that you refrain from doing so. Our items are designed just for you, your friends, and family.

Louisa Tsai
Updated by Louisa Tsai

Do you ship your products in unit cartons?

We are transitioning away from delivering and distributing our items in external unit cartons in order to be more eco-friendly. Click here to learn more.


Can I still use the product if the seal is broken?

We highly advise you not to. Please do not use the product if the safety seal is broken, this is simply for your wellness and the protection of your skin.

Amanda Hercules
Updated by Amanda Hercules

When I shake the bottle, I don’t hear anything inside

MoM comes in an airless packaging element with an easy-to-use pump, so the lack of sound when shaking the bottle is actually a positive feature.

Amanda Hercules
Updated by Amanda Hercules

No product is coming out of my MoM

If no product is pouring out, try pressing the nozzle a few more times than necessary, since the nozzle must be primed before usage.

Amanda Hercules
Updated by Amanda Hercules

Does Moisture on Mars contain any metals?

Trust that the substances we use are safe for your skin. MoM has copper, which aids in acne prevention and allows active substances to soak into your skin.

Amanda Hercules
Updated by Amanda Hercules
